What Is a Celebrant?»
To address the needs of families in grief and to help the healing process go forward, funeral homes are beginning to utilize the services and expertise of Funeral Celebrants. Initiated by Doug…
Who has authority to arrange a cremation?»
Cremation is often though of as a simple alternative to burial. Never-the-less, the paperwork involved in cremation can sometimes be much more complicated than burial. Because cremation is a final…
Cremation and the Healing Power of Ritual»
Ritual and ceremony is an intricate part of some people’s life or culture, while other people may not even know they are doing some aspect of these disciplines. Ritual and ceremony does not have to be religious and may not even seem spiritual.
Cremation and Why Many Ashes are Never Scattered»
It is not uncommon for many families who choose cremation to be undecided about what to do with their loved one’s ashes. Perhaps the deceased never specified there preference.
How to Cope with Grief, with Ted Wiard»
The Rev. Ted Wiard is a licensed clinical therapist, certified grief counselor, an ordained minister, a New Mexico certified schoolteacher, and a certified tennis teaching professional. Ted’s passion for working with grief, loss, and resiliency arose from his own personal losses in which he realized there were very few places to go for support and healing from loss.
Ted’s Story: From Tragedy to New Beginnings»
Ted Wiard’s unfathomable tragedy became his fuel to help others. Bravery Tapes is a multimedia experience that portrays stories of human courage. It is created and produced by singer-songwriter-journalist Jens Erik Gould, and is shown here with his permission.